Stuffed Hard Boiled Eggs is a dish made with Boiled Eggs stuffed with a filling consisting in a mixture of wide range of different ingredientes (Tuna, Ham, Anchovies, Prawns, Pickles, Vegetables, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, etc...). Although I think it is quite an international dish and obviously with different fillings adapted to common ingredients of a particular country, in Spain this is served as a cold dish appetizer at parties or family celebrations mainly during hottest months of the year.
For this particular recipe I have used Anchovies, Cappers, Green and Black Olives, Spring Onions, Anchovy Mayonnaise and Lettuce and the result it was really delicious.
- 12 Eggs.
- 100 grams of Black Olives.
- 100 grams of Green Olives.
- 80 grams of Cappers.
- 1 tin of Anchovies.
- 4 Spring Onions.
- Mayonnaise.
- Lettuce and Cherry Tomatoes for decoration.
- 卵 12個
- ブラックオリーブ 100g
- グリーンオリーブ 100g
- ケッパー 80g
- アンチョビ缶詰 1缶 (詰め物とアンチョビマヨネーズ用に分けて使います)
- チャイブ 4個
- マヨネーズ
- 飾り付け用の レタス、チェリートマト
STEP 1 - Boil the Eggs for about 12 minutes till become hard boiled. STEP 1 - 12分ほどゆでて、固ゆで卵をつくります。 |
STEP 2 - Once the Eggs are boiled, cool them down keeping then a few minutes in cold water and take the shell off. STEP 2 - ゆであがったら、冷たい水で数分間冷やして、殻をむきます。 |
STEP 3 - Cut the Eggs into halves as shown in the picture... STEP 3 - 写真のように縦に2つに切ります。 |
STEP 4 - ...then take the Yolks off and set aside in a big bowl ready to create the Eggs filling. STEP 4 - 黄身を取り出して、大きめのボウルに入れ、詰め物を作ります。 |
STEP 5 - Have the Olives and Cappers ready... STEP 5 - オリーブとケッパーを用意します。 |
STEP 6 ...and chop them all as seen in the picture. STEP 6 - 写真のように細かく刻みます。 |
STEP 7 - Get the Anchovies ready... STEP 7 -アンチョビを用意します。 |
STEP 8 - be chopped into small pieces. STEP 8 - 細かく刻みます。 |
STEP 9 - Get the Spring Onions ready... STEP 9 - チャイブを用意します。 |
STEP 10 - be chopped into small pieces as seen in the picture. STEP 10 - 写真のように細かく刻みます。 |
STEP 12 |
STEP 13 |
STEP 14 |
STEP 15 |
STEP 16 - Having the Eggs white halves ready... STEP 16 - 半分に切った白身を用意します。 |
STEP 17 - ...fill them with the filling mixture as seen in the picture. STEP 17 - 混ぜた食材を写真のように白身に詰めます。 |
STEP 18 - From now we will make the Anchovy flavored Mayonnaisse. Firstly, lets place a few of remaining Anchovies into a mortar. STEP 18 - アンチョビマヨネーズを作ります。 残りのアンチョビをすり鉢に入れます。 |
STEP 19 - Mash the Anchovies till you get an homogeneous paste. STEP 19 - アンチョビをペースト状にすりつぶします。 |
STEP 20 - Add Mayonnaisse to taste 3-4 big tablespoons will be enough. STEP 20 - 大さじ3-4杯のマヨネーズを加え味付けします。 |
STEP 21- And mix it very well using the mortar. STEP 21 - よく混ぜます。 |
STEP 22 - When Mayonnaisse is ready, using a tablespoon spread it over the Eggs. STEP 22 - マヨネーズができたら、スプーンを使って スタッフドエッグの上にかけます。 |
STEP 23 - On a big plate create a bed of Lettuce cut into "Julianne" STEP 23 - 大皿に千切りレタスを広げます。 |
STEPs 24 & 25 - Place the Stuffed Eggs as seen in the picture and finish off decorating using halves of Cherry Tomatoes. STEPs 24 & 25 - 写真のようにスタッフドエッグをのせ、 半分に切ったチェリートマトを飾り付けます。 |
STEP 25 - Once the dish is ready lets place into the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and then will be ready to serve. STEP 25 - 冷蔵庫で2-3時間冷やして、できあがり。 |
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