Castellana Garlic soup is a type Spanish Soup using Garlic as main ingredient. In Spanish Cuisine, Sopa de Ajo is a traditional winter Soup made with Bread (usually stale Bread left over from previous days) mixed with Paprika, Water or Chicken Broth, Garlic, Olive Oil and Serrano Ham. Sopa de Ajo is also traditional in Castilian-Leonese and Castilian-Manchego Cuisine.
It is a Soup of humble origin, being a popular dish with multiple variants depending on the family economy and tastes of the cook, so it is common that other ingredients can be added such as Sausage, Bacon, Fried Pork and so forth. In some areas of the center and northern Spain it is considered a dish related to Easter Cuisine.
INGREDIENTS for 2 people:
- A few slices of stale Bread (i.e. 2 days old).
- 1 Litre of Chicken Stock.
- 150 Grams of Spanish Serrano Ham.
- 4-5 Garlic Cloves (Sliced).
- 1 Tablespoon of Sweet Paprika.
- 2 Eggs.
- Olive Oil.
- Salt.
Sopa de Ajoはスペイン・カスティーリャ地方のにんにくをふんだんに使ったスープです。
‐チキンスープ 1L
‐にんにく 4‐5片(スライスする)
‐スウィートパプリカパウダー 大さじ1
‐卵 2個
Get 1 litre of Chicken Stock ready. チキンスープ 1Lを温めておきます。 |
Slices of Stale Bread. 残り物のパンは食べやすい大きさに。 |
Get the slices of Serrano Ham... 生ハムを・・ |
...make them into a roll. くるくる巻いてロール状にします。 |
And cut the roll of Spanish Ham into slices. 小さく細切れにします。 |
Get the Garlic chopped. にんにくは粗みじん切りに。 |
STEPs 3 & 4- Then add the Stale Bread and stir-up again so that the Bread gets impregnated with Oil, Garlic and Ham flavours. STEP 3 & 4- 残り物のパンを加えて軽く炒めます。パンにオリーブオイルとにんにく、 ハムの風味を含ませます。 |
STEP 4 |
STEP 6 - Then add the litre of Chicken Stock and Salt to your taste... STEP 6 - チキンスープ1Lを加えて塩で味を調えます。 |
STEP 7 - ...and bring the Soup to boiling point. STEP 7 -スープを一煮立ちさせます。 |
STEP 8 - Get a couple of Eggs ready and whisk them but not too much. STEP 8 - 卵2個をボールに割りいれ、軽くかき混ぜます。 |
STEPs 9,10 & 11 - Fold the Eggs into the Soup slowly but at the same time stir the Soup a little bit. STEP 9, 10 & 11 ‐ 卵を少しずつ加え、同時に軽くかき混ぜます。 |
STEP 10 |
STEP 11 |
Garlic Soup is ready to serve. Enjoy!!
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