This Sauce is typical of Catalonia Region at Northeast of Spain. "Vinagreta" Sauce is an emulsified Sauce in which main ingredients are Garlic, Olive Oil and Vinegar (although sometimes it takes into account Lemon Juice instead) but Sour Cream, Mayonnaise or Yogurt can be used instead of Oil. It is often used as an accompaniment to Vegetables, Grilled Meats or Fishes and also as a Salad dressing.
I am presenting here my own version of Garlic Vinaigrette Sauce that I have found specially delicious.
I am presenting here my own version of Garlic Vinaigrette Sauce that I have found specially delicious.
- 75 mls of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- 1 lid of Red Wine Vinegar.
- Chopped Parsley.
- 1 Full Garlic Chopped.
- 1/2 - 1 Teaspoon of Salt.
- 1/2 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar.
”Vinagreta” ソースは、主ににんにく、オリーブオイル、
- エキストラヴァージンオリーブオイル 75ml
- 赤ワインヴィネガー 蓋 1杯分
- パセリのみじん切り
- にんにくのざく切り 1球分
- 塩 小さじ 1/2~1杯
- ブラウンシュガー 小さじ 1/2杯
STEP 1- Get a good mortar where... STEP 1 - すり鉢を用意します。 |
STEP 3 - Once the Garlic is fully crushed... STEP 3 - にんにくをすり潰したら |
STEP 4 - ...Then add the Parsley and Sugar... STEP 4 - パセリとブラウンシュガーを加えます。 |
STEP 5 - And keep crushing and mixing altogether. STEP 5 - 全てを潰しよく混ぜ合わせます。 |
STEP 6&7 - Add the 75 mls of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and mix very well.... STEPs 6&7 - エキストラヴァージンオリーブオイルを加えてよく混ぜます。 |
STEP 7 - ...and after mixing all then add a lid measure of Red Wine Vinegar. STEP 7 - よく混ぜてから、赤ワインヴィネガーを加えます。 |
STEPs 8&9- Mix very well again and... STEPs 8&9- さらによく混ぜます。 |
STEP 9 - ...Garlic Vinaigrette Sauce ready to be served. STEP 9 - ガーリックヴィナグレットソースの出来上がり。 |
Here there is an example of how to serve the Vinaigrette Sauce. ヴィナグレットソースを使った一例です |
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