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Malaga's Salad is a dish of Andalusian gastronomy typical of Malaga province. It is mainly a summer salad and is made with boiled potatoes, orange, onions, desalted cod (in this recipe I used tin tuna), and olives (green and black). To get a good flavour the best thing to do is to place the salad in the fridge for 1 or 2 hours before eating and when cold to dress it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sherry Vinegar and Salt to taste. As you can see it is a very easy salad to make.

INGREDIENTS for 4 people:

- 8 medium sized Potatoes.

- 3 Eggs.

- 2 Oranges.

- 1 Onion.

- 2 Tins of Tuna in Oil.

- Pitted Black & Green Olives.

- Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sherry Vinegar and Salt.



これは主に夏のサラダとして、ゆでたじゃがいも、オレンジ、玉ねぎ、塩抜きしたタラ(こ のレシピでは缶詰のツナを使っています)、オリーブ(緑&黒)で作ります。

良い風味を出すために、食べる1~2時間前に冷蔵庫に入れて冷やしておきましょう。そ の後冷蔵庫から取り出し、エクストラバージンオイルであえます。



・じゃがいも(中サイズ) 8個
・卵 3個 ・玉ねぎ 1個
・ツナ缶(オイル漬け) 2缶
・種抜き黒&緑オリーブ 適量
・エキストラバージンオイル 適量
・シェリービネガー・塩 適量

STEP 1 - Add the Potatoes and the Eggs into water and boil all together till Potatoes become soft enough to be eaten. This can take between 15-20 minutes or so.

STEP 1 - 水の入った鍋にじゃがいもと卵を入れ、じゃがいもが十分柔らかくなるまで一緒にゆ でます。15~20 分くらいが目安です。

STEP 3 & 4 - Peel the oranges and separate all the segments as seen in the pictures.

STEP 5 - Chop the Onion into slices as seen in the picture.

STEP 6 - Place the boiled potatoes into a big plate.
STEP 7 - On top of potatoes, place the orange segments already cut into halves.
STEP 8 & STEP 9 - Add the Pitted Green and Black Olives.

STEP 10 - Add the Chopped Onion.
STEP 11 - Add the Tin Tuna.
STEP 12 - Place the quarters of Boiled Eggs ornamentally on top of the salad as seen in the picture. Once the salad is made place into the fridge for 1-2 hours so that the potatoes and eggs becomes cold (remember is a cold dish).
This is an example of Malaga's Salad Tapa, once on your dish just dress it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sherry Vinegar and salt to meet your own taste and mix all very well.

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