"Pipirrana" is a very common Salad in Andalusia (Southern region of Spain), basically is made up of Green Pepper, Onion, Tomato and Cucumber, dressed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Vinegar. Mussels Pipirrana is a delicous cold dish that although can be eaten during all year long, it is really popular during the hottest months of summer.
So this recipe is more like two recipes in one, both very simple and that could well be worth each as a separate single. On one hand we will prepare a Pipirrana, on the other the side,
steamed Mussels and we will fill these with Pipirrana Salad.
- 1 Kg. of Mussels.
- 1 Green Pepper.
- 3 Small or 1 Big Tomato.
- 1 Onion.
- 1 Cucumber
- 2 Bay leaves.
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- White Wine Vinegar.
- 1/4 Glass of White Wine.
- 1/2 Glass of Water.
- Salt.
‐ ムール貝 1Kg.
‐ ピーマン 1個
‐ トマト 小3個 または 大1個
‐ 玉ねぎ 1個
‐ キュウリ 1本
‐ ローリエ 2枚
‐ エキストラヴァージンオリーブオイル
‐ 白ワインヴィネガー
‐ 白ワイン 1/4カップ
‐ 水 1/2カップ
- 塩
Let's start cooking the Mussels
STEP 3 - The Mussels are now clean and ready to be cooked. STEP 3 - ムール貝をよく洗い調理の準備をします。 |
STEP 4 - In a Pot... STEP 4 - 鍋に・・・ |
STEP - 5 ... place the Mussels, add the Bay leaves, 1/2 Glass of Water and the White Wine. STEP 5 -ムール貝、ローリエ、水、白ワインを入れます。 |
STEPS 6 & 7 - Cover with a lid and bring to boil to allow the steaming process. STEP 6 & 7 - ふたをして、火にかけ蒸します。 |
STEP 7 - Continue steaming until the the Mussels open. STEP 7 - 貝殻が開くまで蒸し上げます。 |
STEP 8 - Once cooked, then separate the Mussels from their shells, one by one and place them on a platter as shown in the picture.
Now let's prepare the Pipirrana
STEP 9 & 10 - Chop the Tomatoes, Pepper, Onion and Cucumber into 1 square centimetres or so. STEP 9 & 10 - トマト ピーマン、玉ねぎ、キュウリを1cm角程度に刻みます。 |
STEP 10 - Once chopped and mixed all these Vegetables then get them dressed with Salt, Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste... STEP 10 - 刻んだ野菜を混ぜ合わせ、塩、白ワインヴィネガー、エキストラヴァージンオリーブオイルで 合えて味付けをします。 |
ENJOY MUSSELS PIPIRRANA!!! ムール貝のピピラナ、召し上がれ!! |
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