Spanish style Oxtail stew is one of the most popular, traditional and delicious stews of Spain. Rabo de toro (literally " Tail of the bull" in Spanish) is the name of this Andalusian medieval dish born in XVI century in Córdoba where it was cooked with tails of corrida slaughtered bulls. It takes time to cook this delicious Stew, simmering at low heat with plenty of vegetables, Wine and Spices in order to get a soft Meat and a velvety Sauce.
INGREDIENTS for 4 people.
1.5 Kg of Oxtail.
6 Tablespoons of Flour.
2 Medium Onions (chopped).
3 Carrots (chopped).
1 Full Garlic (chopped).
4-5 Bay-leaves.
1/2 litre of White Wine.
1 Tablespoon of Sweet Paprika.
Extra-virgin Olive oil.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
1/2 litre of hot Water.
牛テール 1.5kg
小麦粉 テーブルスプーン6杯
中サイズの玉ねぎ 2個
にんじん 3本
にんにく まるまる1個
ローリエ 4〜5枚
白ワイン 1/2ℓ
スイートパプリカ テーブルスプーン1杯
お湯 500㎖
Get all the Vegetables and Spices ready. |
STEP 1 - Heat Olive Oil in a pan over medium-high heat until smoking.
STEP 1 - フライパンを中〜強火で、煙が出るまで熱します
STEP 2 - Stir-fry the chopped Onions, and Garlics until the Onion has softened and turned translucent for about 5 minutes.
STEP 2 - 刻んだ玉ねぎを混ぜながら炒め、半透明になってきたらにんにくを加え、5分ほど炒めます
STEPs 3,4 & 5 - Add the chopped Carrots, give a couple of stirs. Cover the pan and allow cooking all the mix for extra 5 minutes at medium-low heat.
STEPs 3,4 & 5 - 刻んだにんじんを加え、全体をかき混ぜます。
STEP 5 - Once the Onions and Carrots are ready, we will set them aside waiting to be added to the Meat at the right timing.
STEP 5 - 玉ねぎとにんじんに火が通ったら、後ほど加えるタイミングまで脇に置いておきましょう。
STEP 6 - Get the pieces of Oxtail ready in a dish after washing them in cold Water.
STEP 6 - 牛テールは冷水で洗って、皿に置いておきます。
STEP 7 - Place the pieces of Oxtails into a clean plastic bad and sprinkle them all over with Salt and Black Pepper.
STEP 7 - 清潔なビニール袋に牛テールを入れ、牛テール全面に塩とブラックペッパーをふりかけてください。
STEPs 8 & 9- Then add the 6 spoons of Flour on top of the Meat, close the bag and shake it...
STEPs 8 & 9 - テーブルスプーン6杯の小麦粉を牛テールの上にかけ、ビニール袋を閉じてシェイクしてください。
STEP 9 - in this way the pieces of Meat end up covered evenly by Flour.
STEP 9 - …このやり方なら、肉にまんべんなく小麦粉をつけられます。
STEP 10 - In a big pan, heat 6 tablespoons of Olive Oil on medium to medium high heat.
STEP 10 - 大きなフライパンで、テーブルスプーン6杯のオリーブオイルを中〜強火で熱します。
STEPs 11, 12 & 13 - Sear the Oxtail pieces in the hot pan on all sides until golden brown.
STEPs 11,12 & 13 - フライパンで、牛テールの全面に焼き色をつけてください。
STEP 12 |
STEP 13 |
STEP 14 - Add the chopped Onions, Carrots and Garlic to the pan.
STEP 14 - 玉ねぎ、にんじん、にんにくを加えます
STEPs 15 & 16 - Season with Salt, Paprika, add Bay-leaves and stir up the mixture very well.
STEPs 15 & 16 - 塩、スイートパプリカで味付けし、ローリエを加えたら全体をよく混ぜ合わせます。
STEP 16 |
STEPs 17,18,19 - Pour in White wine and Water and then bring to high heat till the stew starts boiling, then cover, return to medium-low heat and simmer for 3 hours till the Oxtail meat becomes tender. IT IS IMPORTANT TO STIR THE MIX EVERY 30 MINUTES THO SO THAT THE MEAT CAN COOK EVENLY.
STEPs 17,18 & 19 - 白ワイン、お湯を加え、強火で沸騰するまで熱します。
STEP 18 |
STEP 19 - After 3 hours simmering the Oxtail Stew is ready to be served.
STEP 19 - 3時間後、よく煮込んだ牛テールシチューの出来上がり!
Now we are going to cook the matching potatoes for this fantastic Stew.
Typically Ox-tail Stew is served with fried potatoes but in this recipe I decided to use parboiled baked potatoes as a perfect match.
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